Programs presently being administered by the Agency are as follows:
Head Start Child Development Program, funded by US Department of Health and Human Services,touches the lives of more than 650 children and their families on ayearly basis. The children receive educational, social development,medical, dental, vision and hearing screenings as well as otherevaluations and services pertinent to a healthy, well-rounded child. Through parent skill building and curriculum understanding workshops,parents are provided valuable information on their role as the primarycaregivers and educators of their children. This service is provided inSpanish also in an effort to reach all participants.
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), funded by the US Department of Agriculture, National School Lunch Program, helps provide nutritious meals for low-income children and nutritional information to children and families we serve.
Total Family Achievement Program (TFAP), funded through pass through funds of NC Department of Health and Human Services,from the US Department of Health and Human Services, helps familieschange their lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communitiesand provide case management along with direct provision of services thatresult in job placement and family income increases.
Community Service Block Grant (CSBG)